Probaj Daktelu besplatno

Uverite se sami kako Daktela može pomoći vašem poslovanju. Tokom vašeg 14-dnevnog probnog perioda, imaćete dovoljno vremena da otkrijete zašto je Daktela pravi izbor za vašu kompaniju.
Otvori trial
Prijavite se koristeći pristupne podatke koje smo vam poslali putem email-a.
Nakon što se prijavite, od vas će biti zatraženo da promenite lozinku.
Daktela probni period ukratko
Povezaćemo sve vaše komunikacione kanale na jednom mestu i podesiti sve prema pojedinačnim ulogama u vašem timu. Videćete samo one sekcije koje su vam zaista potrebne.
Daktela je intuitivan omnichannel alat koji povezuje sve komunikacione kanale u jedan korisnički interfejs.
Lako je prilagoditi Daktelu različitim ulogama u vašem timu. Izgled se razlikuje za administratore, supervizore i agente.
Gledano iz ugla agenta
Demo je postavljen iz perspektive agenta koji koristi sledeće komunikacione kanale: pozive, SMS, email i webchat.
Izbor kanala je na vama
Potpuno je na vama da odaberete kanale koje želite da koristite. Sakrićemo one koje ne koristite kako bismo učinili interfejs jednostavnijim za navigaciju.
Otkrijte individualne module
Možete pronaći detaljan opis pojedinačnih modula koje možete testirati u našem besplatnom probnom periodu u karticama ispod.
Da biste videli moć Daktela rešenja na delu i saznali kako se istorija komunikacije automatski čuva preko svih kanala, potrebno je da imate sačuvan kontakt. Lako je sačuvati kontakt – kliknite na dugme Dodaj novi u CRM-u → Kontakti.
Tickets (Helpdesk)
You can try out email communication using our helpdesk module that uses tickets. You can either create a ticket manually or it can be created automatically when theres is a new incoming email.
Tickets are organised using views – they are filters with preset data like category, priority, owner, SLA etc.
Example ticket
In the "Example tickets" view, you can see a few example tickets. The top part contains standard system fields and the bottom contains all previous communication that tool place as part of the ticket. It can contain not only emails but also calls, SMS, webchats, social media and internal communication using comments.
Trying out tickets
Send an email from your email address to:
A new ticket will be created in the "Unassigned" view.
You can try out the following activities in the ticket:
Reply to or forward the email.
Call or SMS from the ticket (if your contact is saved in the CRM).
Take the ticket – this will make you the ticket's owner.
Add an activity that was about the ticket into the ticket (Activities → Actions → Merge).
Pass the ticket onto a colleague internally and adding a comment (Enter some text into the comment → User = Agent 007 or Category = VIP → Save).
Postpone the ticket, e.g. when you are waiting for the customer's reaction and reopen it in case the customer doesn't get back to you (Stage = Waiting → Reopen in 3 days → Save).
Add a status to the ticket. This can serve as a basis for statistics (Statuses → select status → Save).
To make calls using Daktela, you need to have a device connected. In this trial, we use a software device that you can open using the "Open phone" button in the top right corner.
Trying a call
You can try an incoming call by dialling 226 254 410 on your mobile.
You can make an outgoing call using the call icon in the top left corner. You can dial a phone number of find a contact to call.
When you accept an incoming call or make an outgoing one, a call activity will open automatically. It will contain different predefined widgets and sections.
Every call in this trial has to end with a status. This can be set up differently for you in practice.
Missed calls
When there is a missed call, you can see it directly on the Dashboard on the left hand side.
Missed calls disappear when someone makes a callback or when the customer calls again and an agent accepts the call.
Active Campaigns
There is a Manual campaign in the bottom part of the Dashboard. You can try manual campaign dialling.
When you load the record, you will see info about the contact and a preconfigured form with dynamic fields the agent will work.
You can dial the contact using the Call button.
You can skip the call or simply reschedule it using the "Next call" field.
Every call must have a status. This can be set up differently for you in practice.
You can try out SMS in both directions.
Try out an incoming SMS by texting something to 226 254 410.
When you accept the chat, a new activity will open.
Send an SMS using the chat button or start an SMS in a ticket.
Try the client part of our Webchat via the icon on the bottom right of this page.
To enter the webchat you need to enter your email. The email needs to be entered so that we can link the webchat communication to the history from the other communication channels on the demo.
Once you start webchat, you can choose what you want to try, either Webchat with a live agent or Chatbot, a decision tree with pre-set options.
If you click on Webchat, a new incoming activity will automatically open in your Daktela demo. Once the chat is accepted by the agent, the new activity will be displayed for further processing.