All the essential features for
working productively
Outshine the competition
Customers who have a great experience will buy again, be loyal, and recommend your business. With advanced communications, you can deliver the service customers expect.
Suppose a specific employee is unavailable when a customer calls. In that case, a ticket can be assigned to the right person, including a note or recording detailing the customer’s requirements.
Automatically access a 360-degree view of your clients' communication history when they contact you. This way, you can tailor every interaction to fit their specific car service needs.
The Daktela Mobile App displays important parts of the Dashboard just like you are used to from the browser version of Daktela.
Work with any of your tickets stored in Daktela or create new ones. The Tickets module lets you send emails, dial calls and add comments to your tickets. The Notifications Centre lets you know about any changes to tickets you own or follow.
CRM at hand
A complete overview of all contacts and accounts is available in the app. You can even edit entries and create new ones or start an activity from contact or account details.
Access round-the-clock support via phone, email, and chat, automatically. Our highly qualified technical support is available in 8 languages.
Native Omnichannel
Engage customers on their preferred channels—phone, email, or social media—while keeping a complete history in one organized thread.
Flexibility and Scalability
Select only the channels you require. As your company grows, Daktela will grow with you and adjust to your evolving needs.
Don’t take our word for it, look what our clients have to say
Our customers come first. Daktela provides a secure, scalable, and cost-effective solution, supporting new channels like SMS and WhatsApp while enabling hybrid work for our team.
Ciaran O’Toole
Golden Charter
Moving from multiple inherited tools to a unified system has significantly improved our call flow management, making operations more efficient and ensuring greater operational resilience.
Craig Smith
EMED Group
Již více než 8 let se spoléháme na řešení společnosti Daktela. Každý den je používá více než 1 000 našich agentů, což nám umožňuje poskytovat našim klientům špičkové služby.
Petr Studnička
Profesionální přístup společnosti Daktela na nás udělal velký dojem. Díky flexibilitě řešení je možné jej snadno integrovat s našimi stávajícími informačními systémy.
Ondřej Křivan
A ügyfélszolgálata havonta 20-30 ezer ügyletet kezel, amelyet a Daktela omnichannel, felhőalapú call center szoftvere tesz zökkenőmentessé, támogatva a cég dinamikus növekedését.
Karakó Éva
Nagyon elégedettek vagyunk a Daktelával. Betartották ígéreteiket, és megbízható partnert nyertünk ügyfélszolgálatunk irányításához, amely támogatja további növekedésünket.
Filip Fürek
Głównym powodem wdrożenia omnichannel była potrzeba kompleksowego narzędzia, które upraszcza komunikację, zwiększa efektywność i usprawnia działanie contact center.
Peter Minich
Dzięki pełnej integracji kontrolujemy połączenia, co pozwala skupić się na zadowoleniu klientów dzięki automatycznym informacjom zwrotnym i narzędziom do raportowania online i offline.
Jakub Stehlík
Glavni razlog implementacije Daktela omnichannel platforme bila je potreba za sveobuhvatnim rešenjem koje optimizuje komunikaciju i poboljšava efikasnost operacija kontakt-centra.
Peter Minich
Veoma smo zadovoljni Daktelom. Ispunili su naša očekivanja. Dobili smo pouzdanog partnera za upravljanje našom korisničkom podrškom, što će nam pomoći u daljem rastu.
Filip Fürek
Implementarea Daktela a optimizat comunicarea și gestionarea interacțiunilor, redus timpul de răspuns și crescut satisfacția clienților, consolidând relațiile pe termen lung.
Roxana Popa
Daktela a optimizat comunicarea și a îmbunătățit eficiența, contribuind la atingerea rapidă a obiectivelor noastre și la o experiență mai bună pentru clienți.
Ovidiu Popescu
Vďaka úplnej integrácii kontrolujeme hovory, čo zvyšuje spokojnosť zákazníkov pomocou automatizovanej spätnej väzby a efektívnych reportovacích nástrojov.
Jakub Stehlík
Rýchlejšie odpovede a presvedčivý chatbot zvýšili spokojnosť a dôveru zákazníkov, čo potvrdzuje pozitívny feedback.
Roman Šnírer
Z družbo Daktela smo zelo zadovoljni. Izpolnili so naša pričakovanja in pridobili smo zanesljivega partnerja za upravljanje podpore strankam, ki nam bo pomagal pri nadaljnji rasti.
Filip Fürek
S popolno integracijo imamo celovit nadzor nad klici, kar nam omogoča izboljšanje zadovoljstva strank s samodejnimi povratnimi informacijami a orodji za kakovost v online in offline poročanju.