Automate your email processes, from routing and language support to customized responses and advanced integration. Our AI email bot empowers your team to focus on what matters most—your customers.
Use our intuitive platform to create email bots, streamline routing, and enhance communication with seamless integration and multilingual support.
Creating our chatbot is easy
Utilise our user-friendly graphical bot creation tool to effortlessly construct communication flows, eliminating the need for programming. This enables more effective responses to customer requirements.
Advanced integration
Our system’s compatibility with external systems and modular components unlocks endless customisation and automation opportunities to cater to your unique business demands.
Support in many languages
Offering support in multiple European languages allows for effective communication with international customers, broadening your operational reach and elevating global customer satisfaction.
Optimize email routing
Streamlining the email routing process minimises manual labour, enabling immediate responses to customer enquiries and markedly enhancing workflow efficiency.
Discover advanced features
Discover features that optimize every aspect of customer support—from ticket management automation and smooth escalation processes to powerful natural language processing and interaction oversight.
Ticket management automation
Streamline ticket management by automatically updating ticket categories, statuses, and other properties, enhancing the efficiency of handling requests.
Smooth integration
Designate Daktela mailbot as a focal point in the contact center. Gain access to a consolidated view of interactions and transcripts, ensuring smooth transition when escalating to a live agent.
Natural Language Processing
Utilise Natural Language Processing to detect key phrases and determine user intent, enabling a deeper understanding and quicker resolution of customer inquiries.
Interaction oversight
Oversee communications and refine your NLP system with an easy-to-implement training process for improved accuracy in responses.
Why companies choose Daktela chatbot
See why businesses rely on our chatbots for smarter customer service. From reducing costs to driving sales and improving satisfaction, Daktela is the choice for modern communication.
Moving from multiple inherited tools to a unified system has significantly improved our call flow management, making operations more efficient and ensuring greater operational resilience.
Slash customer service
expenses by as much as 30% through automation of routine inquiries and tasks.
Boost of sales and lead capture
Proactively engage with
customers using conversational marketing to transform interactions into valuable leads.
Round-the-Clock Support
Offer unwavering support,
guaranteeing that customers get prompt responses at all times.
Enhanced Customer
Deliver uniform support across multiple channels, ensuring a flawless customer journey.
A ügyfélszolgálata havonta 20-30 ezer ügyletet kezel, amelyet a Daktela omnichannel, felhőalapú call center szoftvere tesz zökkenőmentessé, támogatva a cég dinamikus növekedését.
Slash customer service
expenses by as much as 30% through automation of routine inquiries and tasks.
Boost of sales and lead capture
Proactively engage with
customers using conversational marketing to transform interactions into valuable leads.
Round-the-Clock Support
Offer unwavering support,
guaranteeing that customers get prompt responses at all times.
Enhanced Customer
Deliver uniform support across multiple channels, ensuring a flawless customer journey.
Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z firmy Daktela. Spełniła ona nasze oczekiwania i zyskaliśmy niezawodnego partnera do zarządzania obsługą klienta, co pomoże nam w dalszym rozwoju.
Slash customer service
expenses by as much as 30% through automation of routine inquiries and tasks.
Boost of sales and lead capture
Proactively engage with
customers using conversational marketing to transform interactions into valuable leads.
Round-the-Clock Support
Offer unwavering support,
guaranteeing that customers get prompt responses at all times.
Enhanced Customer
Deliver uniform support across multiple channels, ensuring a flawless customer journey.
Sa punom integracijom imamo potpunu kontrolu nad pozivima, što nam omogućava da poboljšamo zadovoljstvo klijenata koristeći automatske povratne informacije i kvalitetne alate za izveštavanje.
Slash customer service
expenses by as much as 30% through automation of routine inquiries and tasks.
Boost of sales and lead capture
Proactively engage with
customers using conversational marketing to transform interactions into valuable leads.
Round-the-Clock Support
Offer unwavering support,
guaranteeing that customers get prompt responses at all times.
Enhanced Customer
Deliver uniform support across multiple channels, ensuring a flawless customer journey.
Colaborarea haaus – Daktela a optimizat Customer Care, extins baza de clienți și diversificat canalele de comunicare. Soluțiile tehnice și suportul Daktela România au fost cheia succesului.
Slash customer service
expenses by as much as 30% through automation of routine inquiries and tasks.
Boost of sales and lead capture
Proactively engage with
customers using conversational marketing to transform interactions into valuable leads.
Round-the-Clock Support
Offer unwavering support,
guaranteeing that customers get prompt responses at all times.
Enhanced Customer
Deliver uniform support across multiple channels, ensuring a flawless customer journey.
S Daktelou sme veľmi spokojní. Naplnili sa naše očakávania a získali sme spoľahlivého partnera pre manažment našej zákazníckej podpory, čo nám pomôže v ďalšom raste.
Slash customer service
expenses by as much as 30% through automation of routine inquiries and tasks.
Boost of sales and lead capture
Proactively engage with
customers using conversational marketing to transform interactions into valuable leads.
Round-the-Clock Support
Offer unwavering support,
guaranteeing that customers get prompt responses at all times.
Enhanced Customer
Deliver uniform support across multiple channels, ensuring a flawless customer journey.
Prehod z več podedovanih orodij na enoten sistem nam je omogočil veliko bolj učinkovito in uspešno upravljanje naših klicnih tokov, hkrati pa je zagotovil tudi večjo operativno odpornost.