Explore flexible pricing

Choose Your Channels, Customize Your Solution — Discover Daktela's adaptable pricing structure tailored to your communication needs
Pick & Mix
What’s included
Inbound and Outbound calls
Unlimited simultaneous calls
Advanced call routing to the most suitable operator
Auto Call recording
(14-day retention included)
What’s included
More than just an email client
Advanced templating system
Unlimited number of connected email addresses
Automatic distribution to the most suitable operator
What’s included
Scalable Chatbot
Customize the design according to your ideas and brand
Advanced chat interaction customisation
Click-to-call functionality
Real-time communication
What’s included
Two-way communication
Advanced templating system
Automatic distribution to the most suitable operator
Automatic replies
What’s included
Facebook Messenger
Instagram Direct Messenges
WhatsApp Business
Facebook & Instagram comments management
Advanced templating system
The most popular combinations of communication channels
Voice + Email
Experience the convenience and efficiency of our Voice and E-mail Channel solutions combined in one comprehensive package, tailored to meet all your communication needs, and enjoy significant savings with our Voice + E-mail bundle.
Voice + Email +  Webchat
Upgrade your communication game with our Voice + E-mail + Webchat bundle, providing a complete package of our reliable and feature-packed Voice, E-mail, and Webchat Channel solutions, all in one convenient package, at an unbeatable price.
All Channels
With the Omnichannel package, you will give your customers the opportunity to contact you in all the modern ways of the 21st century. All channels are stored in a single thread so you can see a customer’s entire history in one place.
With each licence above
Efficiently manage customer inquiries and support requests with an intuitive ticketing system, improving response times and enhancing customer satisfaction.
Gain real-time insights on connected operators,listen to them and track their historical performance effortlessly.
Monitor your communication channels in real-time and respond promptly to customer needswith our user-friendly Real-time Panel solution.
Stay connected on-the-go with our mobileapplication, enabling you to access and manageall communication channels from your mobiledevice with ease and convenience.
Ensure quality control and improve agentperformance with our comprehensive QAReviews solution, enabling you to track andanalyze customer interactions for actionableinsights.
Enhance customer satisfaction with our all-inclusive knowledge base solution. And tailor itto meet the specific needs of your contactcenter.
Essential Add-Ons for Smarter Communication
CRM systems streamline customer interactions by consolidating contact history, enabling personalized communication, and enhancing service efficiency.
Store and access call recordings for three months, ensuring compliance and quality assurance. This period can be incrementally extended.
Smart Call Transcription automatically converts voice calls into text, enabling easier reviews, speaker recognition, and advanced AI analysis for insights.
Daktela Copilot enhances written communication by providing AI-driven tools for rephrasing, summarizing, translating, and generating response templates.
AI Power Pack automates ticket categorization, conversation analysis, and operator performance evaluation using AI, streamlining workflows and enhancing efficiency.
The Campaign Package offers bundled communication tools for efficient customer outreach, including smart dialing options and automated call management features.
Transfer your corporate phones
save costs
Cloud Phone User
What’s included
Internal calls within the company are free
Phone number accessible from anywhere
Same features as a landline
Essential Add-Ons for Smarter Communication
CRM systems streamline customer interactions by consolidating contact history, enabling personalized communication, and enhancing service efficiency.
Store and access call recordings for three months, ensuring compliance and quality assurance. This period can be incrementally extended.
Meet AI colleagues
from €200
Chatbot can handle around 85 % of customer inquiries. The chatbot responds 24/7 and can manage 100 conversations at the same time. Operators will no longer have to respond to repeating inquiries.
from €400
The voicebot on the inbound line gets calls from customers around the clock. A campaign voicebot alerts you to upcoming deadlines. Completely handles thousands of contacts per day.
from €400
Reply without waiting, assess the content of the email or suggest relevant replies. Thanks to emailbot, you can reduce customer care costs by up to a third.
Transparent and affordable pricing​
Includes all AI-mazing features of workforce management like generating optimal shift plans and traffic prediction. Includes 24x7 support.
Users who do not have shifts scheduled are free.
from €300
One-off setup fee. We are available to assist you at every stage of the implementation process. You have our support. Includes training.
from €96
It brings us joy to connect Daktela WFM with your system. Share with your requirements with us and we will be happy to help.
Don’t take our word for it, look what our clients have to say
With rapid e-shop growth, we chose Daktela for communication control. The Christmas rush proved the value of early optimization. Daktela is now key to our customer care.
Peter Minich
The 11-member customer service team’s effectiveness is easily measured and optimized with reporting. Before Daktela, multiple softwares were used—now, Daktela replaces them all.
Attila Kőszegi
Se společností Daktela spolupracujeme již více než 15 let. Díky jejich řešení jsme zefektivnili komunikaci, rozšířili zákaznickou základnu a zlepšili celkovou kvalitu zákaznické podpory.
Jaroslav Raboch
Benefit Plus
Profesionální přístup společnosti Daktela na nás udělal velký dojem. Díky flexibilitě řešení je možné jej snadno integrovat s našimi stávajícími informačními systémy.
Ondřej Křivan
A Kifli.hu ügyfélszolgálata havonta 20-30 ezer ügyletet kezel, amelyet a Daktela omnichannel, felhőalapú call center szoftvere tesz zökkenőmentessé, támogatva a cég dinamikus növekedését.
Karakó Éva
A Leziter az online vásárlói bizalom és stratégiai döntések révén növelte bevételeit. A hatékonyabb munkavégzés érdekében bevezették a Daktelát, amelyet most minden részleg használ.
Attila Kőszegi
Głównym powodem wdrożenia omnichannel była potrzeba kompleksowego narzędzia, które upraszcza komunikację, zwiększa efektywność i usprawnia działanie contact center.
Peter Minich
Dzięki pełnej integracji kontrolujemy połączenia, co pozwala skupić się na zadowoleniu klientów dzięki automatycznym informacjom zwrotnym i narzędziom do raportowania online i offline.
Jakub Stehlík
Sa punom integracijom imamo potpunu kontrolu nad pozivima, što nam omogućava da poboljšamo zadovoljstvo klijenata koristeći automatske povratne informacije i kvalitetne alate za izveštavanje.
Jakub Stehlík
Veoma smo zadovoljni Daktelom. Ispunili su naša očekivanja. Dobili smo pouzdanog partnera za upravljanje našom korisničkom podrškom, što će nam pomoći u daljem rastu.
Filip Fürek
Daktela a optimizat comunicarea și a îmbunătățit eficiența, contribuind la atingerea rapidă a obiectivelor noastre și la o experiență mai bună pentru clienți.
Ovidiu Popescu
Colaborarea haaus – Daktela a optimizat Customer Care, extins baza de clienți și diversificat canalele de comunicare. Soluțiile tehnice și suportul Daktela România au fost cheia succesului.
Alex Tapu
S Daktelou sme veľmi spokojní. Naplnili sa naše očakávania a získali sme spoľahlivého partnera pre manažment našej zákazníckej podpory, čo nám pomôže v ďalšom raste.
Filip Fürek
Vďaka úplnej integrácii kontrolujeme hovory, čo zvyšuje spokojnosť zákazníkov pomocou automatizovanej spätnej väzby a efektívnych reportovacích nástrojov.
Jakub Stehlík
S popolno integracijo imamo celovit nadzor nad klici, kar nam omogoča izboljšanje zadovoljstva strank s samodejnimi povratnimi informacijami a orodji za kakovost v online in offline poročanju.
Jakub Stehlík
Učinkovitost 11-članske ekipe za pomoč strankam je zdaj enostavno meriti in optimizirati s poročanjem. Daktela je nadomestila prej ločene sisteme in združila vse v eno rešitev.
Attila Kőszegi
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