The ultimate customer care platform

Everything you need to delight your customers in one place. Omnichannel reach, productivity tools, real-time overview and historical stats and reporting.
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What makes Daktela unique
True omnichannel
Let customers decide how they want to contact you: phone, email, web chat, SMS, direct messages and social media including comment management.
Easy to customise
It's completely up to you which modules you want to use and pay for. Pick and mix different communication channels and extend them with optional add-ons.
24/7 local support
Our support is available in many countries in your local language. We also provide 24x7 SLA by default for no additional charge.
With rapid e-shop growth, we chose Daktela for communication control. The Christmas rush proved the value of early optimization. Daktela is now key to our customer care.
Peter Minich
Již více než 8 let se spoléháme na řešení společnosti Daktela. Každý den je používá více než 1 000 našich agentů, což nám umožňuje poskytovat našim klientům špičkové služby.
Petr Studnička
A ügyfélszolgálata havonta 20-30 ezer ügyletet kezel, amelyet a Daktela omnichannel, felhőalapú call center szoftvere tesz zökkenőmentessé, támogatva a cég dinamikus növekedését.
Karakó Éva
Dzięki pełnej integracji kontrolujemy połączenia, co pozwala skupić się na zadowoleniu klientów dzięki automatycznym informacjom zwrotnym i narzędziom do raportowania online i offline.
Jakub Stehlík
Veoma smo zadovoljni Daktelom. Ispunili su naša očekivanja. Dobili smo pouzdanog partnera za upravljanje našom korisničkom podrškom, što će nam pomoći u daljem rastu.
Filip Fürek
Daktela a optimizat comunicarea și a îmbunătățit eficiența, contribuind la atingerea rapidă a obiectivelor noastre și la o experiență mai bună pentru clienți.
Ovidiu Popescu
Hlavným dôvodom zavedenia omnichannel riešenia Daktela bola potreba efektívneho nástroja na riadenie podpory, ktorý zjednodušuje komunikáciu a zlepšuje výkon kontaktného centra.
Peter Minich
Naše stranke so prioriteta. Daktela ponuja varno, zanesljivo in stroškovno učinkovito rešitev, ki podpira SMS, WhatsApp in hibridno delo, hkrati pa omogoča enostavno širitev komunikacije.
Ciaran O’Toole
Golden Charter
Discover our features
We provide you with the communication channels and contact centre tools that you need to deliver top notch customer care day in, day out.
Try Daktela for free
Incoming calls
Calls through direct numbers or IVR extensions into call queues. Call recording, intelligent routing and personalised interactions.
E-mails / Helpdesk
Manage customer requests and internal tasks. Use advanced ticket categorisation, custom view settings and secure email integration.
Chats & SMS
Chat with customers on your website or online store. Customise your chat window. Send out personalised SMS and chat in real time.
Social media
Send direct messages on the most popular social media. Manage post comments on Facebook and Instagram.
Easily create call scripts and use them to dial manual, progressive or predictive campaigns.
Realtime & Wallboards
Keep an eye on your contact centre: monitor calls, assist agents, manage user states, and check stats.
Statistics & Reporting
Use one of our numerous ready-made statistics, group them into periodic reports or create fully customisable analytics to track what you need.
Knowledge Base
Search and view articles that contain your internal documents. Update them as needed and precisely control who can access which folders.
Stay in the loop anytime, anywhere
Stay connected across platforms with our Mobile App, Desktop App, and Browser Extension. Manage customer interactions seamlessly on any device, anytime, anywhere.
Mobile App
Use core features of your contact centre on the go. Calls, chats, emails, tickets and more – from anywhere.
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Desktop App
Make calls from your PC using our own phone client. No setup needed – just log in and start calling.
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Browser Extension
When working in another application, control calls, send SMSs and manage your pauses from a widget in your browser.
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Empower your agents with AI
Use voicebots and chatbots for routine communication. Automate repetitive tasks and get insights into your activities. Make your agents' work easier with our Copilot.
More about Daktela AI
Integrated with the tools you love
Out-of-the-box integrations including CRM contact synchronisation, CTI panels, SSO providers and workflow optimisation tools.
Starting with Daktela is a piece of cake
We will help you every step of the way during the onboarding process, and even after that. We’re happy to talk to you and we want you to talk to us.
Talk with us
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Customer Delight
Pay only for the features 
you really need
It's completely up to you which modules you want to use and pay for. Pick and mix different communication channels and extend them with optional add-ons.
Explore pricing