Create a new campaign call script in minutes with Daktela by adding fields, arranging them with drag-and-drop, and previewing the result.
Campaign data imports and exports
Import and export campaign data in Daktela using XLS, CSV, or API formats. You can export entire call scripts or specific fields based on custom filters. Additionally, Daktela handles duplicates during the import process.
Call recording and subtitles
Daktela offers recording of campaign calls, including online listening of ongoing calls via a web interface. Recordings can be searched and played directly in the web interface. We also allow bulk downloads of recordings.
Predictive, progressive, and preview
Choose preview, progressive, or predictive dialing for each campaign.
Daktela allows you to change dialing methods during a campaign.
Select how many times you want to try to call each phone number.
Let your agents focus on meaningful tasks
Use voicebots and chatbots for routine communication. Automate repetitive tasks and get insights into your activities. Make your agents' work easier with our Copilot.
Create multiple databases per campaign and specify the database during import. Activate multiple databases simultaneously and deactivate them when necessary. This is especially useful for low performance or sales.
Seamless CRM and BI Integration
The Daktela platform provides a programmatic API for integration with external systems. Customers use it to import campaign data, retrieve call results and download recordings. Data can be exported for further processing, such as using a Keboola Connection connector.
Don’t take our word for it, look what our clients have to say
The 11-member customer service team’s effectiveness is easily measured and optimized with reporting. Before Daktela, multiple softwares were used—now, Daktela replaces them all.
Attila Kőszegi
With rapid e-shop growth, we chose Daktela for communication control. The Christmas rush proved the value of early optimization. Daktela is now key to our customer care.
Peter Minich
We have worked with Daktela for over 15 years. They have helped us grow our customer base and improve our communications.
Ludmila Foltýnová
Se společností Daktela spolupracujeme již více než 15 let. Díky jejich řešení jsme zefektivnili komunikaci, rozšířili zákaznickou základnu a zlepšili celkovou kvalitu zákaznické podpory.
Jaroslav Raboch
Benefit Plus
A ügyfélszolgálata havonta 20-30 ezer ügyletet kezel, amelyet a Daktela omnichannel, felhőalapú call center szoftvere tesz zökkenőmentessé, támogatva a cég dinamikus növekedését.
Karakó Éva
Nagyon elégedettek vagyunk a Daktelával. Betartották ígéreteiket, és megbízható partnert nyertünk ügyfélszolgálatunk irányításához, amely támogatja további növekedésünket.
Filip Fürek
Dzięki pełnej integracji kontrolujemy połączenia, co pozwala skupić się na zadowoleniu klientów dzięki automatycznym informacjom zwrotnym i narzędziom do raportowania online i offline.
Jakub Stehlík
Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z firmy Daktela. Spełniła ona nasze oczekiwania i zyskaliśmy niezawodnego partnera do zarządzania obsługą klienta, co pomoże nam w dalszym rozwoju.
Filip Fürek
Veoma smo zadovoljni Daktelom. Ispunili su naša očekivanja. Dobili smo pouzdanog partnera za upravljanje našom korisničkom podrškom, što će nam pomoći u daljem rastu.
Filip Fürek
Glavni razlog implementacije Daktela omnichannel platforme bila je potreba za sveobuhvatnim rešenjem koje optimizuje komunikaciju i poboljšava efikasnost operacija kontakt-centra.
Peter Minich
Colaborarea haaus – Daktela a optimizat Customer Care, extins baza de clienți și diversificat canalele de comunicare. Soluțiile tehnice și suportul Daktela România au fost cheia succesului.
Alex Tapu
Colaborarea cu Daktela a adus soluții eficiente, optimizând comunicarea, personalizarea ofertelor și gestionarea solicitărilor prin modulele Voce, Ticketing, WebChat și social media.
Raluca Vasile
Roxy Travel
Rýchlejšie odpovede a presvedčivý chatbot zvýšili spokojnosť a dôveru zákazníkov, čo potvrdzuje pozitívny feedback.
Roman Šnírer
S Daktelou sme veľmi spokojní. Naplnili sa naše očakávania a získali sme spoľahlivého partnera pre manažment našej zákazníckej podpory, čo nám pomôže v ďalšom raste.
Filip Fürek
Učinkovitost 11-članske ekipe za pomoč strankam je zdaj enostavno meriti in optimizirati s poročanjem. Daktela je nadomestila prej ločene sisteme in združila vse v eno rešitev.
Attila Kőszegi
Prehod z več podedovanih orodij na enoten sistem nam je omogočil veliko bolj učinkovito in uspešno upravljanje naših klicnih tokov, hkrati pa je zagotovil tudi večjo operativno odpornost.