Robot World's Innovation Story

“Thanks to the tailor-made solution and the data we got from Daktela, we gradually increased our sales and improved the satisfaction of our customers.”


Building customer support and clarifying client requirements.


After years on the Czech and Slovak markets, we felt that with the growth of the company, it was necessary to switch to a professional customer support solution. We had no information on how many people contacted us or did not contact us. Whether we handled all emails and chats, or other customer requests. Having all this under one roof? Daktela really surprised us!

When a customer previously contacted us or called us, we often routed the call directly to our technician. Or they agreed with the customer that the technician would get back to them, or they passed the contact directly to the technician. In particular, the last two variants were bad, but even the first one was not optimal, as our technicians were very busy and could not keep up with the planned requests. Now we have all calls recorded and email communication registered in the help desk system. Our operators thus have access to this data and we have managed to achieve the result that most requests can already be solved directly by our customer support. We were thus able to remove the technicians from Daktela over time and they now have more space for their specialization.

We are constantly expanding the call center and the ability to view the history of communication with customers helps us, for example, to train and integrate newcomers into the company.

Thanks to the tailor-made solutions and the data we obtained from Daktela, we gradually increased our sales and improved the satisfaction of our customers. In addition, Daktela met our requirement regarding the centralization of the solution and the effort to have everything from one provider.

Zdeněk Velehrach, Robot World