The best customer experience in one platform

Boost customer satisfaction and grow your business with Daktela’s omnichannel solution.
Get a demo today and see how we can transform your engagement.
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Contact Centre
Easy communication channel management
Everything you need to delight your customers in one place. Omnichannel reach, productivity tools, real-time overview and historical stats and reporting.
Contact Centre

Provide customer care from anywhere

Complement your Contact Centre with our range of apps to boost your productivity, no matter what device you are working on.
Our apps are free with any licence.
Daktela Apps: Web extension
Browser App
All-in-one customer care with omnichannel reach, productivity tools, and real-time reporting.
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Daktela Apps: Mobile app
Mobile App
Use core features of your contact centre on the go. Calls, chats, emails, tickets and more – from anywhere. For Android & iOS.
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Daktela Apps: Desktop app
Desktop App
Make calls from your PC using our own phone client. No setup needed – just log in and start calling.
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We're proud to be among the best

H2 High Performer 2024 LogoH2 High Performer 2024 Logo
H2 High Performer 2024 LogoH2 High Performer 2024 Logo
H2 High Performer 2024 LogoH2 High Performer 2024 Logo
Starting with Daktela is a piece of cake
We will help you every step of the way during the onboarding process, and even after that. We’re happy to talk to you and we want you to talk to us.
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Customer Delight
Empower your agents with AI
Automate the most common customer interactions using voicebots and chatbots. Help your agents work more efficiently using our Copilot features and leverage AI insights into your activities.
More about Daktela AI
Daktela AI: Chatbot, Emailbot, Voicebot
Other Daktela Products
Discover our portfolio to suit all your needs
Keep all your communication and planning needs under one roof. Rely on Daktela.
Daktela Cloud Phone
Move your office calls to cloud and start calling for less. No external software or complicated setup. Simply log in and start calling.
Daktela Voice Services
We can source international numbers in most countries and provide you with voice and SMS services. Have everything under one roof and rely on us.
Daktela Workforce management
Workforce Management
Our in-house shift planning software will make managing your agents easy. Connect it to your contact centre and let our algorithms predict and plan for you.
Don’t take our word for it, look what our clients have to say
The 11-member customer service team’s effectiveness is easily measured and optimized with reporting. Before Daktela, multiple softwares were used—now, Daktela replaces them all.
Attila Kőszegi
Our customers come first. Daktela provides a secure, scalable, and cost-effective solution, supporting new channels like SMS and WhatsApp while enabling hybrid work for our team.
Ciaran O’Toole
Golden Charter
Se společností Daktela spolupracujeme již více než 15 let. Díky jejich řešení jsme zefektivnili komunikaci, rozšířili zákaznickou základnu a zlepšili celkovou kvalitu zákaznické podpory.
Jaroslav Raboch
Benefit Plus
Profesionální přístup společnosti Daktela na nás udělal velký dojem. Díky flexibilitě řešení je možné jej snadno integrovat s našimi stávajícími informačními systémy.
Ondřej Křivan
A Daktela omnichannel megoldás bevezetésére azért volt szükség, hogy egy átfogó ügyfélkezelési rendszer egyszerűsítse a kommunikációt és hatékonyabbá tegye a call center működését.
Peter Minich
A Leziter az online vásárlói bizalom és stratégiai döntések révén növelte bevételeit. A hatékonyabb munkavégzés érdekében bevezették a Daktelát, amelyet most minden részleg használ.
Attila Kőszegi
Dzięki pełnej integracji kontrolujemy połączenia, co pozwala skupić się na zadowoleniu klientów dzięki automatycznym informacjom zwrotnym i narzędziom do raportowania online i offline.
Jakub Stehlík
Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z firmy Daktela. Spełniła ona nasze oczekiwania i zyskaliśmy niezawodnego partnera do zarządzania obsługą klienta, co pomoże nam w dalszym rozwoju.
Filip Fürek
Glavni razlog implementacije Daktela omnichannel platforme bila je potreba za sveobuhvatnim rešenjem koje optimizuje komunikaciju i poboljšava efikasnost operacija kontakt-centra.
Peter Minich
Sa punom integracijom imamo potpunu kontrolu nad pozivima, što nam omogućava da poboljšamo zadovoljstvo klijenata koristeći automatske povratne informacije i kvalitetne alate za izveštavanje.
Jakub Stehlík
Daktela ne-a oferit soluții tehnice și suport profesional, optimizând call center-ul și automatizând procesele. Suntem în negocieri pentru extinderea funcționalităților.
Octavian Burlan
HILS Development
Implementarea Daktela a optimizat gestionarea apelurilor și relațiile cu clienții, crescând eficiența și succesul. Sistemul integrat susține obiectivele noastre și relațiile pe termen lung.
Camelia Roșoga
S Daktelou sme veľmi spokojní. Naplnili sa naše očakávania a získali sme spoľahlivého partnera pre manažment našej zákazníckej podpory, čo nám pomôže v ďalšom raste.
Filip Fürek
Rýchlejšie odpovede a presvedčivý chatbot zvýšili spokojnosť a dôveru zákazníkov, čo potvrdzuje pozitívny feedback.
Roman Šnírer
S popolno integracijo imamo celovit nadzor nad klici, kar nam omogoča izboljšanje zadovoljstva strank s samodejnimi povratnimi informacijami a orodji za kakovost v online in offline poročanju.
Jakub Stehlík
Prehod z več podedovanih orodij na enoten sistem nam je omogočil veliko bolj učinkovito in uspešno upravljanje naših klicnih tokov, hkrati pa je zagotovil tudi večjo operativno odpornost.
Craig Smith
EMED Group
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