It’s never too late to better manage your customer communications!

August 21, 2024

The start of a new year is traditionally full of resolutions and hopes for better things to do. And the same is true on a corporate level. Virtually every business, large or small, can be managed more effectively and the same can almost always be said for communications.

And that’s whether it’s communication within the company, between employees and each other, or between management and employees, or within your corporate environment, i.e. customers, suppliers and other business partners.

So if you have looked at your company at the end of the year just passed and perhaps discovered some shortcomings, it is high time to try to correct them.

We won’t address all the ways your company can change, but we can help you if, for example, you want to manage your customer contacts more effectively if your weakness is fragmentation and inconsistency of messages sent and received through different communication channels.

For example, your goal in the new year (and beyond) may be to handle calls, various customer requests or complaints more clearly.

Our cloud-based Daktela application connects all comunication channels, making your work in customer service much simpler – all customer messages are organised in tickets that link the entire communication history.

Simply put, the information collected from all communication channels with a specific client is transferred to the system and presented on a timeline. In addition, Daktela’s application allows you to create comprehensive reports, analyses and data visualizations of all cases handled together. This can make your new corporate communications truly effective and transparent.

With Daktela, you can truly communicate with your environment in any way you want. With the latest update (from autumn 2022), you can chat with your customers in Daktela not only via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Viber, but also now via Instagram. Thus, no conversation on social media will really go anywhere and get lost anymore. Communication with your customers will thus have virtually no restrictions at all, which can be
a significant competitive advantage.

There is nothing easier than asking our specialists how much of your current activities you can transfer to Daktela and you can start managing
the flow of information, work performance etc. in one place almost immediately. You can free up time and staff resources for your company’s other important activities.

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