UK CallCentre's Solution Story

UK CallCentre, based in Chester, are a call handling service providing  a bespoke answering service for a range of customers. To provide this they have been using our technology now  for over four years. They are unique within our customer base, for as well as being a customer, they are also a supplier providing out of hours answering for our own customers. They have 15 Contact Centre staff operating on a 24/7 basis.

Recently they  replaced their old legacy call scripting solution and moved to our dynamic scripting application saving them both time and money whilst improving the service they provide to their customers.

In the four years that we have provided a service to UK CallCentre they have experienced minimal downtime which is a crucial consideration for them given the nature of their business. Indeed, as Business & General Manager, Amanda Earlam states “since February 2016, we have had one minor service interruption, which provides a level stability vital to our business” This a testament to the reliability of the Daktela solution and provides the stability needed for UK CallCentre to continue to support their business.