Making your Card Payment Secure…

Steve McSherry
August 23, 2024

Customer Purchase Trends

The Pandemic is not only driving customers away from the use of cash to contactless methods of payments on the High Street, it is also driving an increasing number of these purchases online.

As a result of this, more sensitive card data is being produced, collected, and stored by businesses than ever before.  With 86% of all data breaches carried out by attackers targeting this sensitive payment card data, it becomes vital that Customers trust businesses to take steps to protect this data.

The most at-risk sector is where payments are taken over the telephone, with less than 28% of all businesses collecting this data in accordance with current secure guidelines, this is the area that attackers are now focusing on.

Secure Card Payments

The Payment Card Industry data security standards (PCI-DSS) guidelines provide several ways that businesses can collect card payments securely over the telephone. We recommend for most business the use of Digital Payments.  These payments are secure as they remove all sensitive card data from your own physical environment and link payments directly to your own payment gateway.

These transactions can be completed whilst your telephone sales agents remain connected to the customer to ensure completion or can be completed at a time of the customers own choosing.

Our Digital Payment service will not only reduce your associated bank fees it will create a secure and compliant method of completing these transactions at minimal cost.

Daktela Payments Solution

Our Digital Payment solution is ideal for businesses of all sizes with no set-up costs and no long-term contracts. Costs for our Digital Payment solution are per transaction and are based upon the number of transactions completed. The higher the number of transactions the lower the transaction fee.

When combined with our Omni Channel communication solution, it means Daktela can provide you with a complete solution to all your card payment requirements, across all channels including Voice, Email and WebChat.

Daktela is a global leader in the supply of Cloud based solutions with offices throughout Europe and the UK. We’ve found that it’s both our traditional approach to support, teamed with the powerful technology, which sets us apart from the competition.

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