NPS, perfect feedback about your company

August 21, 2024

Customer satisfaction can be measured very sophisticatedly nowadays. One of the tools can be the so-called NPS (Net Promoter Score). It measures the willingness of the customer to recommend your service or product. One of the critical advantages of NPS is that it is easily understandable with
a very clear result.

The NPS tool can also assess the company’s overall state but is also helpful at the individual level. Product teams can use NPS to determine how customers perceive their offer and the likelihood that they will recommend it or make a repeat purchase.

Monitoring your company’s NPS is essential because it clearly shows whether you can keep customers satisfied enough to buy from you in the future. To achieve this, you must use data rather than just intuition. NPS is also used in contact centres to measure customer satisfaction.

How does NPS work?

NPS is a simple yet effective tool at first and second glance. NPS asks customers whether they would recommend a particular product or service to someone else (the question may be, “How likely are you to recommend the service to another person?”). Another person can be a friend, colleague, spouse – simply a potential future customer.

The respondent rates the service or product from 0 to 10. After providing answers, they are divided into three groups:

  • 9-10 points are referred to as promoters – enthusiastic customers who are loyal to the service, product, or company in the long run
  • 7-8 points are referred to as passive-satisfied customers without greater enthusiasm for a specific service, product, or company
  • 0-6 points are referred to as detractors – dissatisfied customers who may spread negative experiences

You can measure NPS within the cloud-based application Daktela. Daktela Robocaller handles satisfaction measurement very well by prompting customers to rate their experience and recording the result in the database. Robocaller automatically dials queues without the need for agent intervention.

n addition, you can use integration with an external tool from Nicereply, which specialises in measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. With Nicereply templates, you can set up a rating form in your Daktela signature and measure every customer interaction.

Within the Daktela application, you can also use artificial intelligence to obtain feedback. Chatbots and voicebots offer companies a practical and cost-effective way to measure NPS. Using these tools, you can quickly receive customer feedback in real time and have an instant overview of their satisfaction and loyalty. You will not have to read thousands of comments manually. AI speeds up the processing of responses and increases the survey capacity with the same number of employees.

Chatbots and voicebots work best when the survey is short and easy to complete. Stick to NPS questions and do not add additional questions that could deter customers from answering.

Customising the survey can help increase the number of responses and improve the quality of feedback. Use customer data to personalise the survey and show customers you value their contributions. Test the NPS survey before launching it to ensure that the chatbot or voicebot is functioning correctly and that the survey is easy to complete.

Integrating a chatbot or voicebot with a customer relationship management (CRM) system will help you track customer feedback and respond promptly to their suggestions. Once you have received feedback through NPS, use it to make data-driven decisions that improve the customer experience. Share feedback with your team and take action to address customer issues.

Measuring customer satisfaction will help you make decisions about improving business processes and identifying potential communication weaknesses.

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