Perfecting your Inbound Routing…

Roy Holmes
August 23, 2024

Have you considered using different routing techniques and approaches? Does your current solution allow you the flexibility that you are presented with in today’s unusual circumstances?

There are many different options available, and we are happy to discuss the various processes and procedures with you. All the techniques we suggest have a potentially important role to play in your Customer Experience strategies and we believe it would be worth planning for these now.

Call Distribution…

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is the most common method of call distribution. You should be aware that not all telephone systems will use ACD, as some telephony solutions are only capable of using Hunt Groups. Limitations within your current solution should be recognised and catered for. If there are too many holes, it may be worth considering a technology refresh.

An ACD solution will direct your call to the most appropriate resource available. This may be a specialist, a group of skilled personnel, the longest-waiting call to the longest-waiting advisor, or maybe just an informational announcement. Calls can be placed into a queue, waiting to be picked up by the next available advisor and receive music, and messages, until someone becomes available

A good ACD will allow you to prioritise calls based upon different criteria, we have evolved from the days of Customers being classed as “Gold, Silver, and Bronze “.  You are now able to decide where a call goes, who answers the call, the priority of the call and other facets of the customer journey, based upon your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system information and what you know about the customer. By linking your CRM to your Customer Contact Solution, you’re able to take advantage of all the information you have on your clients.

In addition, you are now able to offer such services as “Callback” and “Place in Queue”, when it’s the callers turn to be answered, removing the need for the customer to wait at all. Also, leaving messages or allowing the customer to choose when the Callback happens and which number to call them on is always seen as great service.

From your agents’ point of view does it matter any longer where they are based? Yes, they could be in your corporate offices, but they could easily work from home. Not only would this potentially save on expensive office rental, but your agent “catchment area” is suddenly expanded from 5-10 miles from your office to anywhere in the world!

Priorities and skills of operators

Queues can be set up with a range of different skill and priority settings. Once configured the system always chooses the best and most suitable agent for each call. You can change all configuration settings in real time. In this manner you’re able to ensure that the call is always answered by the right person, at the right time, with the right skills.

With an ACD you can ensure that all your agents have the correct skill level, and the abilities, to offer your customers a better level of service.

Last Agent…

How many times have you had to call someone back and then explain what you’ve been through to a brand-new agent?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go back to the same agent that you’ve already spoken to, and then just say what else is required or happening?

By allowing the ACD to place the call with the last agent you spoke to, you will remove some of the frustration, and provide a more personal service. Especially if the agent has the CRM record in front of them, with their notes, to remind them of who the caller is, and what was discussed.

When selling, or providing Customer Service and Support, it’s crucial to build a relationship, it may mean the difference between keeping and losing a client, between winning and losing another customer.

By ensuring that the same agent, if available, takes the next contact, you’re able to provide the type of service that makes the difference!

Time Conditions…

When a “National Holiday” such as Christmas, or the New Year approaches, it’s vital that you tell your system, and your customers, when you’re open and closed. Also, you must decide what’s going to happen when you’re closed.

Will you play a message? Will you allow the customer to leave a message? Do you have an Out of Hours service available? A customer may be routed wherever you wish. Some of your VIPs may be answered, while others may be offered a slightly different level of service based on your staff availability.

Set your system up so that it does exactly what you want, and then enjoy the holidays.

IVR’s and Voice Recognition…

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) puts the power back into your customers hands. By giving them options such as Sales, Support, Finance or others, you can allow them to direct their own call. By allowing them to choose an option from an “IVR tree” or menu, you are empowering your customers and potentially saving them time.

Imagine that you’re very busy in Sales but your current customer just wants to talk about their invoice, or have question answered by support. Instead of making them wait longer than necessary they can route themselves to the correct group of agents to answer their query.

Again, using the CRM to help with information, maybe there’s an unpaid invoice for example, you could even route the call to Finance automatically, negating the need to ask the customer what they want! The customer could be answered by the finance department and then transferred to another department once that query has been answered.

If you have questions about any of the items described above, feel free to call us to discuss. If your current solution doesn’t cater for any of the above, and the many other functions and features available from Daktela, maybe you should consider moving to Daktela, a fully featured Omnichannel Contact Centre and Telephony solution.

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