Why do people use, and like, Text, Chat & Messaging Services?

Roy Holmes
August 23, 2024

Why do we use Chat? Why don’t we talk to someone? These two questions are obviously linked.

The simple answer to “Why do we use Chat?” is either we like to use that method of communication, or we can’t get someone on the telephone to talk to.

Conversely, the simple answer to “Why don’t we talk to someone?” is either we can’t get someone on the telephone to talk to, or we like to use Chat as our method of communications. Stunningly simple, or is it?

The Customer Experience is vitally important to any business. If customers don’t like what they see or hear, they may well choose to change. Therefore, whenever you have an interaction with your customers, it should be good, memorable, and it should allow you to maintain your customer base, and even allow you to expand it.

In this time of change, chat has become an integral part of a successful Customer Sales and Service operation. It provides an alternative communication channel that your customers can use. However, nowadays there are a multitude of different Chat and Text options to choose from. The good news is, if you get these channels working correctly, satisfaction levels have proven to be higher than the more traditional telephony options. Why is this? It could be because the written word is to the point. It’s also easily saved and referenceable.

In fact, over 60% of consumers have stated that “a supplier website that offers chat services is more likely to get their repeat business” as it saves them time, money and effort.

Live chat is convenient for many reasons. The impression given, is that it can connect Customers to your company instantly. Don’t ruin this impression by offering a substandard service!

Chat is often accompanied by ChatBots so answers are “fast and furious”. Make sure the information given is correct. Always check the Customer Experience, and allow them the time, and options, to change their approach.

Chat can allow your customers to “run at their own pace”. Many customers use Chat for this reason alone. They can type a question, do something else, and wait for the answer.  It still seems like a speedy and professional service, but actually gives you a little breathing space too.

Chat sessions can be followed up with voice calls, or even emails if necessary, just to formalise things a little. Good Chat services will allow you to turn the interaction from one medium to another, that’s the joy of an omni channel solution. Allowing your customer to Click-to-Call means that they remain where they are, and instantly change from typing to talking, without having to explain what they’ve been doing.

As a business, of any size, you are always looking to find ways to save money, and a service that stays open 365 days a year, with no need for food or drink, is often a “winner, winner” with no “chicken dinner”!

With Chat tools such as SMS Text, Web Chat, ChatBots, WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook, to name just a few, it is even perceived by some to be the number 1 communication channel. Some people don’t want to talk. Chat discussions can take place on a crowded train or high street with no fear of anyone eves dropping.

By offering your customers alternatives you are doing two things. Number one is you’re offering services to your customers that they want. Number two, you are allowing your most valuable asset (your people), the chance to talk and interact with more customers.

Text, Chat, and Messaging are versatile channels that can help customers and provide a first-class Customer Experience. Ensure you have explored when, and why, your customers have chosen to use this service, and then ensure you have it working correctly. In this manner it can’t fail to be seen as a plus from both you, and more importantly, your customers.

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