How does a robocaller work in a modern contact center?

August 23, 2024

There are campaigns whose success depends on the speed and certainty of delivering the information. It is simply necessary that thousands of people often receive a very short message in a minimum of time. Then a several-fold increase in the number of operators of your contact center will not help you, the only solution is a robocaller, or the function of automatic robotic contact dialing.

The advantage is that you can set yourself how many robocaller licenses you need, depending on the number of contacts to be called. This scalability in the Daktela system will ensure you maximum campaign efficiency, at the same time any robocaller has higher productivity than the most skillful operator.

And of course the robocaller can do more. For example, if he does not call the customer, an automatic procedure is set up, whether to call again in a certain time, or whether to send an information SMS or an email. It is also important that the entire call is recorded, so the Daktela system retains the audio recording as evidence for any subsequent customer complaints.

Take a look at the three most used types of campaigns that can be managed with robocaller.

1. Short news – Financial institutions

For example, banks or other financial institutions may, in the recovery process, inform borrowers of the maturity of their loan and the amount of debt using a robocaller that is more reliable than the operator. Daktela robocaller calls the entered numbers and plays the selected message, and thanks to the “Text to Speech” function, it can say information about the amount of debt. Subsequently, using callsteering, it directs the customer to the appropriate queue of the call center, or sends him payment details via SMS or email.

2. Extraordinary announcements – Telephone operators, gas distributors

In some cases, businesses or companies need to deliver important notices to their customers or clients so that it is clear that they have accepted the content of the message. SMS or email is not suitable for this form of communication, because in this case clients can read the message for a long time. For example, a mobile operator wants to tell its clients that at a certain time there will be an Internet outage in a given location, then the best way to solve it is to use a robocaller, which with a recorded message about the outage / repair will call all people from the given locality according to the database. Similarly, for example, a gas distributor can quickly inform a customer of a possible accident in a given area or district of a city.

Just to give you an idea, one robocaller (1 license) can handle up to 9-12 thousand calls per month, depending on the length of the call. A similar amount can hardly be handled by one contact center operator.

3. Satisfaction measurement – Insurance companies, telephone operators

Nowadays, for example, an insurance company employee can also conclude or adjust an insurance contract with you over the phone. Subsequently, the insurance company calls the client and finds out how satisfied he was with the explanation of the new insurance policy and asks about the overall evaluation of the communication. It is this measurement of satisfaction that the robocaller manages very well, which prompts the client to evaluate on a certain scale, eg from 1 to 10, and records the result in the database. Various market surveys, used mainly by financial institutions, insurance companies, but also telephone operators and energy distributors, also operate on a similar basis.

There are various ways of questioning and satisfaction surveys, such as the so-called NPS – “Net Promoter Score”, where satisfaction is indirectly checked, because the main question is whether the customer would recommend a product / brand, etc. to their friends. This method of interrogation can also be set via automatic robotic contact call.

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